Tuesday, March 17, 2015

5 Australian foods to try out

You know how Dr. Bob likes to take pictures of animals and capture incredible displays of biogeography? Well, I like to take pictures of myself eating food. I visited Australia this past winter break and while I was there, I had an ambitious food agenda. These are some of the foods I ate:

1. Kangaroo

It may be ethically challenging to consider eating Australia's unofficial mascot, but the animal runs pretty rampant in some places. Plus, unlike cows, they're methane-free.

This is me weirdly documenting my kangaroo-eating experience. As you can see, I was hesitant and had ethical challenges, too... I still kinda feel bad and heartless about eating kangaroo.


2. Vegemite

This is a classic Australian spread made from brewer's yeast. I thought it tasted like soy sauce with a mix of bitterness.

Here's a song from one of their commercials:

We are happy little Vegemites, as bright as bright can be,
We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea,
Our mummy says we're growing stronger every single week,
Because we love our Vegemite, we all adore our Vegemite —
It puts a rose in every cheek!
We're growing stronger every week!

3. Macadamia nuts

These nuts are native to Australia and can be eaten raw or included in a variety of dishes like breads and cakes. 

4. Ethnic foods
Australia enjoys a multicultural dining scene thanks to its large number of immigrants. This was the first time I've ever tried chicken feet — apparently a Chinese delicacy. It's quite tasty, once you get over the fact that you're eating the feet of chickens.

5. Crocodile

After I visited Daintree Rainforest — home to some beastly crocodiles — I couldn't help but try out a crocodile burger conveniently located at a restaurant nearby. The meat tasted lumpy, but other than that, it was like chicken.

6. Koalas
Kidding! Despite the other animals I ate, I would not eat koalas. I love them and took an absurd number of selfies with this koala at Featherdale Wildlife Park. As a result of this class, I now have a Pinterest board on koalas.

Thanks for looking at pictures of me eating food! I'm excited for Tasmania and trying out the food there — it's reputed to be better than the mainland.

THAT IS ALL, FOLKS. It's been a fun quarter, fellow Tassie Safari explorers!

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