Monday, March 2, 2015

Mystery of Risso's dolphin strandings

There have been lots of dolphin strandings, 12 to be more specific, on Tasmania's shores since November 2014. Many of the dophins were found dead. This is a huge concern for Tasmania, and there are no good answers about why this may be happening. This may have to do with fishing practices, and if so, it raises questions about Tasmania's current state of maritime protections. Another question that we can raise is why are Risso's dolphins in particular being stranded. Perhaps this is something we can explore on the trip. Attached are some very sad photos :(




  1. The dolphin is my spirit/favorite animal :( I wonder what is causing these strandings... lower tides?


  2. This is similar to pilot whale strandings!!! What's the deal with all of this happening in Tasmania??
