Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tasmania Mourns the Passing of Malcolm Fraser

Malcolm Fraser, the late 22nd Prime Minister of Australia. [Source: ABC Australia] 

Malcolm Fraser, the 22nd Prime Minister of Australia and the leader of the Liberal Party from 1975-1983, passed away this Friday (March 20, 2015). Many Tasmanian politicians reminisced of this political giant, praising him as a “strong friend of Tasmania.” An avid fly fisher, he was apparently very fond of Tasmania and had a fishing cabin in the Central Highlands.

During his political career, Fraser impacted Tasmania in many ways. He is well known for, to say a few:
  • Launching the Tasmanian Freight Equalization Scheme in 1976
  • Establishing the Australian Maritime College in Launceston
  • Moving the Australian Antarctic Division from Melbourne to Southern Tasmania 
  • Saving the Franklin River
  • Nominating the surrounding areas for World Heritage Site consideration (He is often considered the father of the Franklin Gordon Rivers National Park and South-West National Park.)

Both the Tasmanian Premier and State Growth Minister had fathers who worked as ministers under Fraser. They agree that he leaves behind an extraordinary legacy in not only politics, but also human rights and conservation advocacy.

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