Saturday, February 7, 2015

Picnics Are Serious Business

Picnics... are no laughing matter.

Okay so picnics actually aren't that serious. However, after reading an article about great picnic spots in Tasmania I was inspired to revive the lost art of picnicking. And what better place to do that in Tasmania?

This isn't the typical sort of article that I write for the Tasmania Blog, so to keep it moderately academic, some picnicking background:

What exactly is a picnic you might ask? (Probably not but I'm going to give you an official definition from Wikipedia anyways):
"A picnic is an excursion at which a meal is eaten outdoors (al fresco or en plein air), ideally taking place in a beautiful landscape"

While people have always enjoyed eating outdoors, the earliest in which the art of picnic-ing has been traced back to is in the 1692 edition of Origines de la Langue Française, which mentions "pique-nique as being of recent origin"; it marks the first appearance of the word in print. So we have the French to thank for picnicking as we know it today.

Now back to Tasmania! Why am I writing about picnics? Because I believe that we need to take advantage of the beautiful landscape and scenery that we will constantly be surrounded by, by eating outside whenever possible. And not just sitting outside with food, but laying out blankets and sitting in a circle, to facilitate some sweet conversation. 

In addition, if we happen to stumble upon the lovely Quamby Estate, would get the amazing opportunity to customize our own, fancy-shmancy picnic!
A gorgeous picnic overlooking the Quamby Estate homestead.How’s THAT for a picnic?

However, I wouldn't mind having a simple few of these out on a hike either!

Author: Alicia Menendez


  1. I would definitely be down for a picnic in Tasmania!

    -Jessica Tam

  2. That's pretty interesting, Alicia. I am also totally going to start writing plein instead of plain now; so much cooler. In terms of the picnic itself, it sounds like an awesome idea! Do you know of any other cool places where we could potentially rest and eat our meals? It might be a little cold though, but that would definitely be a part of the experience!

    Carlos Aguilar

  3. Picnics are basically the best thing to do while traveling or ever, especially if you go out and "hunt" for the food yourself (finding sandwich supplies at local markets, etc.). Picnics are a great way to bring people together and enjoy the food and outdoors at the same time...and they make me super happy. I really love that you wrote about them, huge kudos!

    Brittany Hallawell
